/Body Language Skills Seminar
Body Language Skills Seminar 2018-10-26T03:45:48+00:00

“I See What You’re Thinking” – Body Language Skills Seminar

What you do speaks so loud, that I cannot hear what you say”… President John F. Kennedy quoting Emerson

 Next Seminar Saturday – COMING 2019
9:30 am to 4.30 pm (1 hour for lunch)

 (Registration closing date XXth XXXXXXX 2019)


Ever thought about the way you walk and talk? What about the way you sit? Does it matter and what does it say about you? About your mood? Your attitude? Your personality or your culture? Our body gestures, facial expressions, postures and even the distance we keep from others, when tied up together, create a rich layer of mostly subconscious communication called body language. It’s your most natural and effective way of communicating in face to face interactions. “It’s not what you say, but how you say it”, right?; and you say it with your body.

For many decades, body language has been the subject of many books and much scientific research. It is said that more than 60% of our communication is non-verbal. Because only 10% of how we communicate is done with words and 40% comprises voice expression with the final 50% involving body gestures, it is self-evident that anyone with a knowledge of body language skills has a tremendous advantage over those who have no such training or knowledge. How you walk, stand, sit, your posture, facial expressions, gestures and even eye-contact say MORE than your actual words or the way you say it! Also, first impressions count. Body language is one way to get the most out of your interactions. Body language is non-verbal communication where we express our thoughts and feelings using our facial expressions, eye movements and body gestures to tell people what we are thinking and how we are really feeling and if we are lying.

This seminar will show you how to build rapport with other people at work and in every area of your life by helping you to read body language. If you’re interested in an improvement in your interpersonal relationships or simply a way to understand others better, it will show you how to read people’s emotions and opinions before they even say a word, and to build your own emotional intelligence. You’ll also learn how to judge your own body language: discover what your appearance and posture – even the way you walk – tell people about you and learn to improve your body language to project a confident, interesting you.

Who should attend?

This seminar is ideal for anyone interested in the subject matter; for sales people and indeed anyone who has frequent interaction with others where it is extremely important they understand what is being communicated to them by words, voice and gestures.

Some of the following topics will be covered in the seminar:

  • The secrets of non-verbal communication (applying the  3Vs – Verbal, Vocal and Visual):
    -Getting a leg-up on Body Language: non-verbals of the feet & legs
    -Torso Tips: non-verbals of the torso, hips, chest & shoulders
    -Non-verbals of the arms
    -non-verbals of the hands & fingers
    -non-verbals of the face & eye contact
  • Meeting and greeting people
  • Personal space
  • Awareness of micro expressions
  • Baselining – observing people in normal circumstances
  • Observing gesture clusters
  • The importance of context
  • How body language pertains to business/Sales negotiations
  • Power and dominance through non verbal communication
  • Detecting deception
  • Aggression and confrontation

Learning outcomes:

  • Read people Like A Book
  • The 5 basic principles when interpreting Body Language
  • How to detect lies
  • Why Micro Expressions are one of the most reliable signs of emotions.
  • How to recognise a real or fake smile
  • How to observe and read body language
  • How to change your own body language to give you more confidence
  • How to use body language to help you engage better with other people

At the end of the session attendees you will walk away with the following:

-A handout explaining the different facial/body expressions

-A guide to the key body language indicators

To read the top ten on ‘body language tells’ click on the following: Body Language Tip-sheet: 10 Powerful Body Language Tips’

The next seminar is due to start in 2019! The fees for these seminars are outlined in the Fee Schedule.

Day Time
Saturday 9:30am- 4:30pm

*Timetable subject to change

The fee for this seminar is €80. A deposit of €40 will secure your place, balance owing to be paid prior to the seminar start date.

**All of our seminars require a minimum of 20 registrants in order to take place. Whilst we expect to reach this minimum, in the event that there are not enough participants registered by the Sunday evening before the first day of the seminar, we reserve the right to cancel the seminar and process a full refund of fees paid to the student/parent/participant.

***CTA seminars are subject to demand. Places are limited therefore early booking is advisable. Registration for this seminar is not yet open; however for more information and/or to register your interest please contact us now on info@clonmeltuitionacademy.ie. You can also book and pay online by clicking here

****Please be advised that whilst a ‘deposit paid’ secures your place onto a course/workshop/seminar, it does not guarantee admission to the course/workshop/seminar. In order to gain admission to any of our courses/workshops/seminars, fees need to be paid in full prior to the course/workshop/seminar start date. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with regard to this. We reserve the right to refuse admission to any student who has not paid the fees in full prior to the start date of the course/workshop/seminar.