/Directors Welcome
Directors Welcome 2018-08-21T15:22:21+00:00

Directors Welcome

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Clonmel Tuition Academy website!

The field of education has been receiving unprecedented attention over the last number of years from policy makers, parents and scholars alike. Parents and children worry about the quality of schooling and whether children are being adequately prepared academically to meet the challenges of an increasingly challenging world.  Success in school and throughout life rests on a foundation of social and communicative competencies. Teachers and all educational professionals play a critical role in promoting the development of these core competencies and skills.

It is with this in mind that the Clonmel Tuition Academy was set up. We are a private but unique teaching environment with a singular focus on education, committed to high quality and excellence in all areas of the Academy. Research and review inform our classes and initiatives.

The creation of a strong professional culture is a priority for us. We set ourselves high standards and in turn expect the same from our students. Good pedagogy is important to us, together with appropriate professional development and a sharing of good practice. We also understand that, while academic rigour is important, a child also needs a broad and balanced education in a secure and caring environment.

Whether you are a current or prospective student, an educator, or interested in our education services, I welcome you to our website and hope that you find it informative. If you have any questions or wish additional information about any of our services, activities and/or classes, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you to our Academy of Education!

Le buíochas,

Maryanne Whelan
